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Micro Needling With Serums

Aesthetic Services

Micro Needling With Serums

Microneedling with serums uses a device to puncture the skin using tiny needles to help create pinpoint punctures for infusing serums such as scar serum or hyaluronic acid into the tissue.

The Procedure Details

What it treats

Hyperpigmentation, scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, and dullness.

Procedure Time

50-60 minutes.

What is involved Micro Needling With Serums?

Cleansing, numbing solution, micro needling at different depths with an intensive scar serum and/or hyaluronic acid.

Recovery Time & Side Effects

Nothing on the skin for 24 hours. Skin may be red for 24-48 hours after treatment. Avoid prolonged sun exposure, heavy sweating and high amounts of heat for 1 ½ to 2 weeks after treatment.


Triggers collagen production, decreases pigmented and pitted scarring, decreases large pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin tightening.*Tip: add an LED treatment for healing and additional anti-aging effects.

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