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PRP Hair Restoration

Injectable Services

PRP Hair Restoration

PRP hair restoration uses your own bodys growth factors to help turnover hair follicle cells quicker creating less shedding and thicker hair.

The Procedure Details

What it treats

This service includes using your body’s own growth factors to stimulate the hair follicle to strengthen the hair follicle, reduce shedding and grow your hair. A series of 3 treatments is recommended every 4-6 weeks with a booster treatment within 3 months after the last treatment in the series. If there are no contraindications minoxidil is generally prescribed in conjunction with the treatment.

Procedure Time

50-60 minutes

Recovery Time

We usually recommend to hold washing your hair until the next day. Avoiding tension styles and chemicals, such as perms and hair color, are recommended to be put on hold until after treatment.


Hair may become thicker and denser, less shedding, and thinning and/or balding spots begin to grow back in.

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