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Skin Tag Removal

Aesthetic Services

Skin Tag Removal

Do you have any skin tags that you want removed?

Skin tags are soft, noncancerous growths that usually form within the skin folds of the neck, armpits, breasts, groin area, and eyelids. These growths are loose collagen fibers that become lodged inside thicker areas of the skin. A consultation is recommended prior to treatment.

The Procedure Details

What it treats

A procedure in the removal Skin tags by a cauterization or removing them with a scalpel using a sterile technique.

Procedure Time

30 – 60 minutes depending on the amount of skin tags and size. Numbing is included in this time frame.

What is involved Mask add ons?

It involves assessing the tissue first to make sure the skin tag can be removed. The way the skin tag is removed depends on the size of the skin tag. The area(s) are cleaned and numbed prior to removal.

Recovery Time & Side Effects

Recovery time ranges from 7-10 days. Your provider will inform you of your post care home treatment. There may be some discomfort after the numbing cream wears off.


Results are noticed right away however skin healing time will likely be 4-6 weeks for optimal results. A follow-up appointment is recommended in 4 weeks.

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